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Writing Tips
If we’re going to be really honest about it, most people don't like writing. And even people who like to write find it very difcult to get started. As a writer, I’ve done a lot of research on writing and...
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A Quick Start Guide To Writing Profitable Articles
I'm really excited to have you here, because I truly believe that this "all meat and no filler" report can literally change your future. But there’s one thing you need to realize... ...just reading this information won't do you any...
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Work At Home Ghost Writer
He knows how to write – wonderfully and creatively. He does the research, the cleaning up or everything from the research to the writing to the polishing. He does the work but he does not get credit for the quality...
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The Words Warrior
Among the most potent tools in your sales armory is the informed and judicious utilization of words and terminology. Words have the power to entice a prospect, hold the attention of the likely purchaser, and finally result in the establishment...
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Web Sales Letter Supreme
"You're just one good web sales letter away from a million dollars." Actually, famous copywriter Ted Nicholas (who has made many millions of dollars) didn't say "*web* sales letter." The Internet didn't exist when he started making his direct marketing...
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Writing Web Copy That Sells
When I first got started marketing online, I had no prior marketing, sales or business skills. All I knew is that I wanted to make money online. So just like any other “John” or “Mary” who wanted to make money...
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Web Sales Copy Secrets
Lets face it, if you can’t write a sales letter, you can’t sell your products. It’s a fact. That’s why we’re here to walk you through our proven template piece by piece, step by step so that you can emulate...
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Thin Slicing
Hey there. You’re listening to Terry Telford from and today we’re very fortunate to have Kelly Robbins here with us on the call. Kelly is a copywriter and a marketing expert in the healthcare field. She specializes helping hospitals...
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The Copywriters Swipe File Vault
Marketers and copywriters use the swipe file in order to pool clips from the efficient and best campaigns of advertising. Then they can refer to that swipe file whenever the inspiration hits them or in order to see if their...
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The Word Warrior
Utilizing verbiage that will result in sales chances is crucial in any environment. This is particularly true when writing sales copy for a net site, a net press release, or an electronic ad. There are several components to bear in...
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The Ultimate Copywriting Handbook
If you’re like most Internet marketers, you wouldn’t hire a copywriter for most of your projects—and for good reasons, too. First, you know that most of your projects are simply too small to bring in a high-powered copywriter and pay...
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The Speedy Guide To Web Copywriting
One of the things that makes the Internet so appealing is the fact there is plenty of useful and entertaining information to be found. Of course, some website owners prefer to simply copy data from other sources as a way...
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The Easy Way To Write Your First E-book
Writing an ebook is one of the easiest ways to become an author. These days, you don't need a publishing house or literary agent to get published. The Internet and modern software packages have made it possible for anyone who...
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The Definitive Encyclopedia Of Salable Words3
The core files of Marketable Words are a compilation of the greatest marketing sentences used by top tier copywriters and marketers to literally hypnotize their audiences into doing their bidding. With this huge vault, you will be given everything you...
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The Definitive Encyclopedia Of Marketable Word
This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance fields. You are encouraged to print this...
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The Copywriters Handbook
This whole copywriting thing came later on. Back in the day, the best “copywriters” were the great businesspersons of the olden days who knew how to sell anything to anybody. While people possessed powerful weapons, their most powerful weapon was...
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Speed Writing
No matter what type of business you’re in online, you probably have to do at least some writing. Whether you’re a blogger, a website builder, an indie book publisher, a freelance writer, or even an online shop owner, chances are...
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So You Want To Write Anebook
It's not true that everything that has been said has already been written. Since that unfortunate axiom came into use, the whole universe has changed. Technology has changed, ideas have changed, and the mindsets of entire nations have changed. The...
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Secret Copy Resources
Well done on putting this little weapon in your copy artillery;-) I had never really thought about developing a guide of resources before. Then one day I was speaking with one of my apprentice writers and told him to use...
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Resume Writing Secrets
Everyone in the business world knows that having a good, strong resume can mean the difference between getting a job and not getting a job. You will need to have a resume that is crafted professionally and that will reflect...
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Profit Sucking Sales Copy
Being a great copywriter is almost like having a secret super power. As a copywriter, you will be tasked with filling pages with content designed to describe products and services and convince the reader to buy or at least sign...
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Pro Copywriter
Being a great copywriter is almost like having a secret super power. As a copywriter, you will be tasked with filling pages with content designed to describe products and services and convince the reader to buy or at least sign...
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Copywriting Power Phrases
When it comes to selling products, you have to be careful with your words. You can’t just pitch a product to onlookers using the same tone, mood, and phrases as you would to make a suggestion to a friend. And...
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Copywriting For The Web
Although many people seem to think that writing effective copy for the web is easy, it isn’t. So if you want to ensure that your readers and your customers understand how your website works and what it can do for...
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