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What Is Crowd Sourcing
The quickest way to explain crowdsourcing, or crowdfunding as it is also known is by this explanation: Finding information or getting input into a project via a large group of people, either paid or unpaid, by using the internet. Crowdsourcing...
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The OPM Strategy
Benefits of Using OPM: 1. OPM gives you freedom to do what you want; it allows you to take part in deals of which your own resources may not be helpful. 2. OPM allows you to make your own choice,...
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Mastering Patreon
Let’s face it. Most of us hate our jobs. Even if we’re making a pretty \sgood living, the majority of us would rather be doing something else \sinstead of working. But what if you could get paid for doing whatever...
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Just Kick Start It
Getting a project or business idea off the ground is very possible with the world of e-commerce. You can get started without a ton of money invested in marketing and other elements of a brick and mortar business. It also...
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Effective Crowdsourcing
While crowdsourcing is extremely popular it can be a little intimidating to actually post your campaign to one of the websites such as Kickstarter. Of course you want to achieve your desired results. The worst thing would be to post...
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