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Viral Content Crusher
There is no doubt that almost every one of us has witnessed a case of a viral video phenomenon first hand. There have been numerous ads from the cats playing a piano to the latest ads on Cars all of...
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The Customer Care Break-Up
We’ve all had friends in our circle who were known as “Mary & John”, and when “John” split “Mary” was alone. Mary was the “odd” number at the dinner party and we were all concerned about her. Well, today it...
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Difficult Customers
You know who they are because every single business owner, entrepreneur, freelancer, employee or shop floor assistant has had to deal with at least one of them. They are: difficult customers. If you want an exception to prove the rule,...
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Serving Your Customers Right
The best advice I can give you is to read everything over once. If you can, do it in one sitting, then re read it again. Then, read the sections again that you are not sure about, and if you...
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Sales Funnels
A sales funnel is a system set up on your website that builds rapport and trust with new and returning visitors, qualifies leads and encourages them to make a purchase. By the time you finish this guide you'll understand what...
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Relationship Marketing For Newbies
The money is in the list. You’ve probably heard that before right? Well, that’s not exactly true. Not the whole truth anyway. The biggest obstacle you face and have to overcome when you publish a newsletter or put any free...
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Quick Customer Service Tips
As a business owner you probably already know how important it is to provide good customer support. By working hard at recognizing and catering to the many needs of your customers, you increase the chances of them choosing you over...
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Product Launch Paydirt
A key to making sizable profits online via Internet marketing is product launches. You need to have your own products and launch them via promoting them in order to make considerable sales and sizable profits online. However, you promoting them...
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How To Find An Endless Supply Of Targeted Customers
Exponential resource management isn’t just a fancy name. It’s a really underestimated, under used marketing method that works incredibly well. So much so, this section is one of the main reasons we’re only letting 500 copies of this go. I...
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Paul Stack Podcasting For Customers
Welcome and thank you for taking the time to subscribe to this crash course in sales prospecting. Regardless of what type of business you may be in or what type of selling you do, I promise you that you will...
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The Crash Course In Modern Sales Prospecting
Welcome and thank you for taking the time to subscribe to this crash course in sales prospecting. Regardless of what type of business you may be in or what type of selling you do, I promise you that you will...
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Mass Persuasion Secrets
People who are experts at persuasion tend to be seen as sleazy. However, every day, someone uses tactics of persuasion at one point or another. Persuasion can be used as a way to get a raise, land a promotion, or...
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5 Ways To Discover Hot Niches
If you’ve been thinking about starting a new online business but have yet to do your research on the market, use the following action steps to ensure that you know your niche thoroughly, so you can avoid wasting your time...
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5 Techniques To Persuade People To Buy
For more than 60 years, researchers have been studying the factors that influence our decision to say “yes.” There is no doubt that there is a specific science to how we are persuaded to do anything, and a lot of...
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How To Turn Wealthy Prospects Into High Paying Customers
If you're interested in learning how rela5onship marke5ng can help your business, this guide is for you. When implemented correctly, rela5onship marke5ng can serve to increase customer loyalty (leading to repeat buying and higher life5me value), minimize the impact of...
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Relationship Marketing
If you're interested in learning how rela5onship marke5ng can help your business, this guide is for you. When implemented correctly, rela5onship marke5ng can serve to increase customer loyalty (leading to repeat buying and higher life5me value), minimize the impact of...
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Instant Offline Treasure
So you have taken that step? Are you ready to land offline clients? There are a multitude of things you have done over the past few months or years. You have either tried your hand at affiliate marketing, created websites...
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How To Use Your Blog To Generate Leads
A blog is a fantastic tool. Think of it as a tool, a tool you can use to get leads to any type of business you may have. Blogs are tools that need to be in use regularly to keep...
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How To Let Your Customers Do Your Selling For You
You know about testimonials – those little blurbs from customers that tell prospects how great a product or service is. But did you also know that over 70% of customers look at product reviews before buying? And 90% of participants...
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How To Increase Profits On The Backend
Most businesses spend too much time trying to gain new customers and fail to recognize the immense goldmine that they have in their existing customers. The fact is that the people most likely to buy from you are those people...
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The Customer Magnet
The first step to any successful Google campaign is research. The very first thing you should do is create a list of terms that describes your product or service. For this part, don't think locally. Just think about general terms...
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Niche Market Discovery
The one thing everyone seems to want these days is to start their own business. Many new business owners believe that the only thing they need to be successful is a website that will bring in automated profits around the...
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Dealing With Difficult Customers
If you’re in business you’ll understand more than anyone else that business is not about product features, benefits, revenue, or anything so stuffy and businesslike. It’s about people. The trouble with that rather heartwarming statement is that people can be...
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Good Service Rules
Anyone who owns a business should know how important customer service is, especially in today's increasingly compe;;ve business world where it's crucial to embrace every chance you get to stay one step ahead of your compe;tors. However, knowing exactly what...
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