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While we have made every effort to insure the accuracy and appropriate use of the information provided, the authors make no claims or warranties, express or implied, regarding anything contained herein. All earnings and profit examples used herein are our actual results based on what is presented, however we cannot make any guarantees of earnings or profits. Most people who purchase this product will not even earn back the cost – but that has more to do with lack of effort than the effectiveness of what’s presented. Still, your results will depend on many factors, many of which we have no control over. The owner and author of this book is not necessarily affiliated with sites that may be linked herein and is not responsible for their content. The linked sites are for your convenience only and you access them at your own risk. Links to other websites or references to products, services or publications other than those of Analogy Marketing, do not imply the endorsement or approval of such websites, products, services or publications. In some cases, purchasing a product mentioned by using the links provided may result in a commission payment to us. That’s Affiliate Marketing In Action. Certain names, graphics, logos, icons, designs, words, titles or phrases in this book may constitute trade names, trademarks or service marks of Analogy Marketing or of other entities. The display of trademarks on this website does not imply that a license of any kind has been granted. Any unauthorized copying, downloading, re-transmission, or other copying of modification of trademarks and/or the contents herein may be a violation of federal common law trademark and/or copyright laws and could subject the copier to legal action