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Feng Shui Fortunes
As per The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience feng shui is a combination of folk remedies, rational remedies and superstitions. Now it is important to know some background history about feng shui. The culture period of Yangshao and Hongshan was the main rising time of feng shui. All believed that feng shui is older than the magnetic compass. Feng shui is more than 3500 years old and the Chinese star map has actually proved this very fact. It has Dragon and Tiger asterisms and also Beidou the Big Dipper, also known as the Ladle or Bushel. It was situated through the north-south pole. It was found in a 4000 BC old grave at Puyang. Today feng shui is practiced to build a suitable environment for human with good qi. Three main things dominate feng shui they are: 1) Qi (ch'i): Qi??? is chee in English. It is a movable positive or negative life force. It plays the main role in feng shui. As per the book of Burial they take advantages of vital qi. Wu Yuanyin of Qing dynasty said that it was congealed qi. This qi engenders life. - 7 - 2) Polarity: it depends upon the Yin and Yang Theory. It is similar to a magnetic dipole. The work of Yang is acting and Yin receiving. Metal, earth, fire, water, and wood are considered as five primary elements. Chinese medicine, also work, depends on Yang and Yin. 3) Bagua (eight trigrams): In feng shui two diagrams known as bagua (or pa kua) loom large. They both predate their mentions in the Yijing (or I Ching). As per Yaodian the cardinal directions are determined by the mega-constellations’ marker-stars, known as the Four Celestial Animals.