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Get A Great Job Fast
If you've become unemployed recently, especially if you've been at your previous job for over fifteen years, you know that the job market has changed. In fact, after a few hours of pounding the pavement trying to apply for a new job you understand that the entire process, of job hunting has changed. No one wants to talk to you. No one wants to accept your resume. All of today's employers want you to apply through their online employment system. The attitude is, "Don't call us, we'll call you." And you quickly realize that no one is going to call you. When you apply for an advertised position, you're competing with dozens, or maybe hundreds, or even thousands of other candidates for the same position. I know because I was in the same situation. This book is not based upon some useless theory. It's based on tried and true methods that I've used myself to land some of the best jobs I've had in my whole life. And, admittedly, some of the worst. The point is that I've landed jobs that provided an income to keep me financially afloat during the worst economic times that I have ever seen. I know these methods work if you actually put them to use. Finding a job is not rocket science, but it is a science. There is both an art and a science to landing a job, and the better the job you want, the better you need to be at employing them. In the following pages, I'm going to provide you with a strategy to get you working quickly, to at least slow your financial hemmoraging. I'm also going to give you a plan to get your ideal job, whatever that may be. You're going to have to open your mind a little bit. You're going to have to take some direction and get outside the box a little. These methods work. You may not like all of them, but they work. If you stick with me, you may find in a few months, as you look back, that you're making more money in this terrible economy than you have ever made in your life at a job that you love.