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Headlines That Sell
When it comes to selling a product, nothing is more important than the quality of the product itself. If you have a good product, pitching it and attracting word-ofmouth advertising will be easy. Customers will recognize that it has intrinsic value as a product; and they will purchase it and spread the word to their friends. However, when it comes to selling that same product, the next most important thing is the quality of your sales pitch. Even if your product is excellent, you won’t get a lot of word-of-mouth advertising unless at least a few brave souls are willing to purchase the product initially to kick things off. And the only way that will happen is if you persuade them to. And that’s where copywriting comes in. Copywriting, for the uninitiated, is the art of using salescopy to persuade readers to become buyers. In the remainder of this guide, we will focus on the most important part of any piece of salescopy: the headline. In chapter 1, we will briefly consider what should go into a good headline. And in chapter 2, I will give you an exhaustive list of “fill-in-the-blanks” headlines for all occasions.