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How To Write A Full Length E-Book
At this point, you should have: a web site, an autoresponder account, a free giveaway, a squeeze page, your first 20 message email series, some traffic developed, and at least 3 affiliate products which you are promoting. If you have not completed any of those steps, I highly suggest you finish whichever step you are still working on, before beginning this lesson. This series of lessons is designed to teach you how to build a fully-functional list building campaign, and if you are not completing some of the steps, you will not have a fully functional list building campaign, and as a result, you will not a get the results you are looking for. There are no shortcuts in internet marketing! Today I will begin going through the steps necessary to write your own ebook for sale. This will be a full-size ebook that you can put at the beginning of your sales funnel and sell for between $10 and $47 (although for your first one, I recommend $10 – this allows your customers to get to know you via a low-priced product; then increase the price on your second product). The first ebook you write will be the hardest one to write. It will take longer to think of topics for your chapters, it will take you longer to write each section and chapter, and it will take longer to edit and proofread. You will have more difficulty getting each section to ‘line up’ and flow together with each other. Take my word for this, the second one will be exponentially easier than the first one; that is another great reason to write something short, perhaps 40-60 pages, and offer it at a low price point. You will have your first one out of the way! Then you can start on something bigger and it will feel a whole lot easier!