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Millionaire Money Mindset Mastery
Forbearance is the ability to tolerate waiting, postponement, or
frustration without becoming excited or upset. It's the power to be
able to control your emotions or whims and proceed calmly when
faced with troubles.
Needless to say, forbearance doesn't come easily to most of us and its
likely harder now to be patient than it has ever been.
In today's domain of 'instant everything', technological advances and
promptly available credit have let us get, experience, and devour
practically anything we wish - almost instantly.
Do we even need to be patient any longer?
Well, if we would like to reach our goals, have successful
relationships, accomplish personal peace and control our finances,
the answer is a ringing yes!
Anything worthwhile and of importance can't take place immediately.
It takes time, commitment and effort to accomplish; so even in this
day and age, forbearance is a virtue.