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Minimum Budget, Maximum Traffic!
The internet has changed the world forever in so many ways, not least of
which is the tremendous opportunity it’s brought to anyone who wants a
shot at having their own startup business.
Previously, many many people dreamed of their own business, but had to
abandon the idea because of the high costs involved. But now, thousands
of people have discovered that they can start an online business with little
if any financial capital. Just a desire, and a willingness to work hard, and
there are numerous online business models that can be built. Some very
successful online businesses have been built, quite literally, out of “thin
NOW, some people have heard about these no-cost or low-cost startup
business opportunities, and become very excited at the prospect, only to be
disappointed because they then read some ebook or course that they were
sold, and if they follow everything recommended to them the costs all of a
sudden start piling up: web hosting, graphic design, software, subscriptions
to this resource and that resource, and on and on it goes. So much for the
free startup opportunity!
But the fact is, you can do without a lot of the things that may be
recommended to you, or you find can free versions available on the
Minimum Budget, Maximum Traffic! Page 5
internet that are perfectly adequate to get you going. I think there are just
a couple of things you’re better off to try and afford as a bare minimum –
web hosting (you can get it real cheap now, as low as just a few bucks a
month), a good autoresponder is also a great investment (I recommend
Aweber). But after that, you can pretty much do everything for free until
your business is on a “pay-in” basis and you can afford some of the tools
that make life easier.