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Moms Working Online
Today's woman wears many hats. She is a wife, a mother, a homemaker, a chauffeur, and an employee or boss. Too bad a day does not have 48 hours. Then, maybe a hard-working mom might actually have time to get things done and maybe have a few minutes left over to relax. Unfortunately, you and I know, a day never has enough time to complete all of our jobs, have a little time to ourselves, and be the kind of mom we wanted to be when we brought that little bundle of joy home from the hospital. The day care provider or school teachers see the children more than you and I do. Then, if you are like me, you feel guilty for not being there for your kids or having the energy to be a "fun" mom when you are together. You wish you could be a stay-athome mom, but the family budget counts on your paycheck to make ends meet financially. You have no choice but to work outside the home, or do you? I have been where you are today. A single mom of two, I have had two part-time jobs working an occasional 12-hour day, and come home too exhausted to be a good mom to my children. Still barely keeping ahead of the bills, I am missing out on watching my children grow up. My kids need me, and I need them. Then, one day a friend suggested working from home. At the time I thought it would never work. After all, he is a computer tech with probably more knowledge in his little finger than I have in my head. I doubt it will really amount to anything, but I am desperate. So, I give it a try. Two years later, I am a work-at-home mom full-time. I have one job I really enjoy. All I need is a laptop and an Internet connection. I work the hours I need to get the job done, and I have time to spend with my children.