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Network Marketing Your Biggest Business Ally In The 21st Century
There was a time when network marketing was considered to be quite banal. This
business model has been existing since over a century now, and for most of its
history, people have looked down upon it as everything ranging from a futile
exercise to a scam. However, today, with the kinds of tools we have access to, and
the changing global scenario and people’s mentalities, network marketing has
secured a newfound respect.
Today, you will find companies listed on Fortune 500 lists conducting their
businesses through network marketing. You will find analysts of the Wall Street
heaping praises on MLM models. In the 21st century, it is beyond any question
that network marketing is not just an accepted but even a coveted business
model. For who wouldn’t like to sell their products to a great majority of people
without needing to spend millions on advertising and through the strength of
verbal recommendations alone?
It is not just the desire that indicates the growing popularity of network
marketing in the 21st century, we also have figures to show. Duncan Maxwell, the
editorial director of Network Marketing Lifestyles puts an estimate that the
annual turnover of all network marketing businesses in the US is 20 billion
dollars. The figures obtained from the Direct Selling Association at Washington
D.C. corroborate this figure. It is also estimated that, just within the US, there are
about 8 million people working at different levels in network marketing.
This scenario definitely did not exist till 20 years ago. This is new trend, a very
21st century trend.