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Part Time Work For A Full Time Income=Work From Home
Throughout the ages men and women have searched for ways to ease the
burden of work in their lives. From building homes and skyscrapers, to
doing laundry by hand, there has been a steady improvement in the working
conditions and the working methods used by humanity.
People used to spend their entire days hunting, foraging, planting, preparing
and working from dusk till dawn simply in order to have food and a roof over
their heads. It may seem as though you do the same thing today, but you’d
be wrong.
No longer must we hunt down our own food, dress it and preserve it through
long winter months in order to stay alive. With the touch of a button our
laundry is washed and dried and even made to smell terrific. We’re working
with our brains instead of our brawn, for the most part, and it’s improved
our lives.
It no longer takes months or even years to travel from one place to
another. We can fly or drive or take trains, buses, and don’t forget the
cruise ships.
Which brings me to another point: with the invention of so many things to
make our lives easier, we have been given the gift of leisure time.