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Passive Income Advantage
Even if you’re fortunate enough to still have a job, it makes sense not to keep that job as your single lonely egg rolling precariously around in a big, old, empty basket. Adding extra sources of income makes more sense than ever before, in these tough economic times. Especially when you consider that passive income can take time to grow (though results will vary widely from person to person, according to their abilities, investment capital available – and the amount of work they put in.) If you are jumping on the passive income bandwagon, imagining yourself drinking Singapore Slings on the shores of the Caribbean 6 months from now while money rolls in like the tide, you’re probably in for a shock. But not so many people nowadays are taken in by network marketers who promise you a six-figure income in a few weeks or less. Oh, there might be the odd one in a million persons who combines entrepreneurial genius with amazing luck – but generally, 6 figures in 6 weeks (or even months) just doesn’t happen. Solid businesses take time to build, but you can greatly accelerate this process if you follow tried-and-true procedures – ones that make good business sense. Take the time to educate yourself on how to pack and patch your own parachute.