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Should You Use Automation for Your Pins? At some point in the course of running your online business, you will come across an offer that claims to auto-pin your pins. Many of these services may also auto-like for you and even auto-repin. They can even be set up to auto-follow to develop your following. It seems like a great idea and one that can free up your time. Imagine being able to reap the benefits of social media without having to engage on Pinterest! It seems like something everyone should take advantage of. The trouble is, with most social media platforms, it's against the terms of service. The strategy may work in the short run. In the long run, it's probably going to result in getting your account shut down. There are some solutions that Pinterest gives its blessing. Viralwoot is one of those. Others may exist as well. The key is to double check with Pinterest. You don’t want to take a shoot first, ask questions later approach. There is too much at risk. You could spend months developing a great account only to have it get clobbered by the Pinterest powers-that-be. Don’t rely on advice that others may give. They may tell you it’s okay to use these automated tools. There are two problems with relying on advice from outsiders. The first is they may simply be wrong. They could be following the bad advice of someone else. Also, how do you know they aren’t just telling you this advice to sell you the software package? The second reason is Pinterest changes its rules. Unless these advice givers stay on top of the rules of social media and are willing to alert you when it happens, it’s best not to trust this advice. 5 You should contact Pinterest directly. They are the only ones that can give you a definitive answer. They make the rules, so they are the authority. Think about why most social media platforms don’t want you to use these tools. It’s because you won’t have much control over what happens and you are no longer engaging directly with others. It skews their analytic data, and it makes you seem artificial. Imagine if you found out someone liked or followed you as a result of a bot. How would you feel about that? They removed the human factor and reduced your connection to a decision by a machine. That’s not a very social way to connect.