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Resale Rights Empire
Thanks and congratulations on purchasing this book. You have made an outstanding investment if you intend to derive substantial profits through resale rights, private label rights and infoproducts in general. We’ve tried to make this THE ultimate toolkit when it comes to profiting from resale rights. We’ve included resources and software that should be in every serious resellers armory and we’ve even provided a HUGE arsenal of resale rights products that you can start profiting from
immediately. I’ve also made sure that there is absolutely no fluff in this manual whatsoever. You get all the resources you need plus the hard hitting knowledge & strategies to profit with resale & private label rights instantly. It’s all there for you – but you do need to get out there and sell. The internet has made this world
a much better place. A place where YOU can set-up a virtual store, accept payments electronically (with very little risk). The opportunities are endless, I can vouch for that – but you have to put in the effort to get out there and build your business. If you’re new to the resale rights business then this guide will really be the best thing you will
ever read. Even those of you who are at the intermediate or advanced level will get a lot out of what’s inside. Before starting with the first chapter I’d like to share a couple of things with you to help you succeed (I assume you purchased this product with the ultimate aim of making some money). Please don’t scoff at what I’m about to tell you – I can tell you that what I’m going to reveal has worked very well for me personally. Before I started building my resale & private label rights empire I began working on something far more important – my attitude towards success, my mindset and my long term goals to make me far wealthier than I would ever want to be. It was a
while back (on a holiday in India with my beloved fiancé Keziah – and now my beautiful wife) that I first started reading a book that helped me to get this far in terms of realizing my financial goals and dreams. It has nothing to do with resale rights or the internet business. It does however teach you some incredible facts that only the mega-rich know. And it does have a wonderful free forum where you can meet some highly interesting people who have one ambition – to become
wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. If you want to know the secrets behind the wealthiest people in the world…and start to live just like them then check out a book called Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I would just love for you to know what I know now. I shall leave you with a favorite quote that my inspirational father always led me to when times
were difficult. When you go through times when you doubt that love, success, money or recognition will ever come your way, perhaps you will reflect on this quote and find some hope in it: