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SEO And Relationship Building For Local Businesses
Whether the operation that you run is large or small, every business
needs a web site.
As more and more consumers join the online revolution, it is no longer
enough to advertise what you do and the things you have to offer in
traditional ‘offline’ ways. Every one of those consumers is a prospect
and potential customer for your business, and it is therefore imperative
that you get your message out to as many of them as possible, and that
means using the internet.
No matter how much of a technophobe you or your colleagues might
be, there is really only one answer nowadays to satisfactorily achieving
the degree of market ‘reach’ you need. You and your business have to
be on the internet, but you have to do the job of having your business
presented to the internet community in the right way.
Hence, it is important that you learn what that ‘right’ way is, because
not everyone that claims to be a ‘web site’ expert is the real thing. In
addition, there are many factors about the web site that you create (or
have created) that will dictate how effective that site is.
What this book is designed to do is to teach you the fundamentals
about what a web site is, what it can do and perhaps most importantly,
how you can make sure that it achieves the things that is should be
capable of achieving for your business.
This is not to say that this book is going to teach you how to design or
build a web site – even though doing so is almost ludicrously easy
nowadays, I am assuming that you are not planning to build your site
However, the chances are that after reading this book you will be able
to make a very good ‘stab’ at basic web site creation if necessary,
because many of the fundamentals of site creation ‘cross over’ with
what is known as search engine optimization (SEO), which is the main
focus of this book.
Let us therefore begin by looking at why you would want – sorry,
scratch that, need – a web site for your business, irrespective of
whether your company is large or small, brand new or well established.