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Striking Joint Ventures Made Easy
A Joint Venture or JV in short (in Internet Marketing term) is often defined as, “A mutually beneficial cooperation between web site owners”. Many a times Joint Ventures in Internet Marketing are entered into between a person who has developed a new and innovative product or service and an established Internet Marketer who has spent a huge amount of time developing his list and his reputation. This is the kind of agreement that can be described as a win-win situation. The Joint Venture gives the developer of the new product or service accessto potential customers that he would no totherwise have access to and the experienced Internet Marketer gains access to new product or service that the
members of his list can benefit from. Both the product/service developer and the established Internet Marketer make a profit that neither of them would have made without the other… and that is the very essence of the Joint Venture.
By joining forces and pooling resources and talents, a Joint Venture allows all parties to accomplish more than any one of them could have accomplished alone.