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The Business Mindset
Everybody loves success. Why wouldn’t they? Success is synonymous with all things bright and beau;ful. Success, in most people’s eyes, means good fortune in both the literal and figura;ve senses. It certainly brings an individual money, along with the freedom that excess cash entails. It also brings other less tangible, but no less desirable, effects, such as fame, recogni;on, power and influence. In other words, success is a wonderful thing. However, many people make the mistake of trea;ng success as an end result. Success is not a goal, it is a process. It’s not about winning the race. It is about training for, and running, this race, and every race, in the best possible manner. It’s about enjoying everything leading up to the race, as well as the race itself, as much as the spoils of being victorious. This book is about the mindset that brings about this kind of success. As a business person you have an impera;ve to succeed. You have no other choice. It’s either succeed or get a job helping someone else succeed. There is no middle ground. However, the successful business owner does not charge blindly into the marketplace, relying on chance to bring success. Instead, they develop the character traits that will allow them the best opportunity to reach their personal and professional goals. These traits are like building blocks. They form a solid base that can be u;lized to make the right decisions at the right ;me. They can support other learned skills that allow further development. Finally, they are a resource that can be drawn upon in ;mes of need.