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The Complete Guide To JVS
The all elusive joint venture, or JV for short. It’s the one thing that almost all beginning marketers crave. They believe it is the answer to all their problems, that once they have that JV in their pockets that everything else is going to fall right into place. Well, this book that you’re holding in your hands right now is going to not only show you how to get those JVs but also give you the real truth about them as well. Why is the truth about JVs important? The answer is simple. There are misconceptions, not only about how to get a JV but also how beneficial they are in reality. See, the value of the JV is going to depend on many factors that people are mostly unaware of or oblivious to. Therefore, it’s important not only to explain to you how to go about getting a JV the right way but also explain to you the pitfalls and the realities of the aftermath. Not all is gold when it comes to hooking up with another marketer. I have learned this the hard way. So we’re going to start with the good stuff first so you’re not discouraged right out of the gate. But after I’ve gone over what I call the JV checklist, I’m going to share with you some sobering realities about what happens when you do get yourself a JV and what happens after the fact. It isn’t always pretty. Let’s begin.