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The Debt Destroyer For 1st Century Living
Your bills show up every month whether you care for them to or not. Placing them in a pigeonhole someplace and dealing with them afterwards might lead you to blank out their due date. If this happens you end up being forced to pay a late charge. If you're willing to become organized, you are able to achieve getting your bills paid promptly and never have to worry about obtaining a late charge. This may take a little bit of time to arrange, but only a couple of additional minutes per week to maintain. Make certain you open up your bills. A lot of bills arrive with unnecessary inserts that simply take up room in the place where you stash away your bills. Take out any inserts and recycle them with the outer envelope right away. This keeps clutter from heaping up and taking your focus off of the bill itself. Now take the bill and place it under the fold of the return envelope. You should then label four plastic bins so that each one makes up a calendar week of the month. You are able to easily label them "Week 1," "Week 2," "Week 3," and "Week 4." Now take your organized bills and find out the due date. If the due date is the10th of the month, the bill gets put into the week 2 bin. If the due date is the 22nd, the bill goes in the bin for week 3.