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The Inbound Lead Revolution

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If you’re reading this you already have some interest in the rela5onship between lead genera5on and profit. That’s a good thing. As a business owner, or as someone who may be considering star5ng a business, profit should be your primary concern. The reason for this is obvious. Businesses that turn...
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If you’re reading this you already have some interest in the rela5onship between lead genera5on and profit. That’s a good thing. As a business owner, or as someone who may be considering star5ng a business, profit should be your primary concern. The reason for this is obvious. Businesses that turn a profit stay
in business, while businesses that fail to turn a profit do not. This is a primary law of the marketplace, and like all primary laws, you ignore it at your own peril. Every business needs a steady stream of customers in order to maintain
profitability. Once again the reason is obvious. When the customers dry up, so do
the profits. When the profits dry up, so does the business. Sa5sfied customers
equal a healthy boFom line. This is another primary law of the marketplace. So
maintaining a robust customer base should be the number one concern of any
business that wishes to turn a profit, which is another way of saying every
business, including yours.
One of the best ways of build and maintaining a robust customer base is through
lead genera5on. Leads are people who may be interested in what you have to sell.
In other words, they are poten5al customers. If you generate enough leads, then
you will, in turn, generate customers. However, since every lead does not convert
into a customer, you need to generate many leads in order to sa5sfy your
business’ need for customers.
Tradi5onally, businesses have used several tried and true methods in order to
generate the leads they needed to survive. However, because of the internet and
the rise of social media, the way people communicate and respond to informa5on
has changed. This, in turn, has changed their buying paFerns and, as a result,
many of these tradi5onal, tried and true methods are no longer an effec5ve way
to generate leads.
This report will discuss these changes and will show you, the business owner, the
new and innova5ve trends and techniques that have been developed in reac5on
to the marketplace’s changing response to informa5on and offers. These new
methods have revolu5onized the process of lead genera5on and, like all
revolu5ons, the sooner you adapt your business to these changes, the beFer off
you will be.

The Inbound Lead Revolution
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