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The New Age Work At Home Plan
This special report was written to shake things up. So I'm gonna lay it on the line
right away with the hard truth...
You are being misled.
If you think that the ideal path to financial security looks like this...
Go to school, graduate, get a good job for a good company, save for retirement,
retire comfortably, travel and enjoy your golden years...
...you may be in for a big surprise -- a surprise that happens when it's already too
The surprise is this.... about 5% of the people following that path ever
achieve a comfortable retirement.
Isn't that a shocking number?
A whopping 95% of well-intentioned, hard working people, who worked
their fingers to the bone, now rely on social security, inadequate pensions
or family assistance.
If you don't believe it, look around at the people you know who are retired or
getting close to retirement. How many of them are financially secure? If you do
know any people who are financially independent, chances are they did it on
their own!
And unless you are one of the 1 in 180 million people who hits the lottery or
inherits a fortune when Uncle Joe checks out, there’s just one way you will ever
become financially independent too..