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The Rebirth of Internet Marketing
17 years. 100+ hours a week. 1,200+ web sites. Tens of thousands of tests. Billions of site visitors. Millions in profits.
Need I say more? The Internet, and it’s evolution, is my life. I’ve been heavily involved with marketing online since 1990. And before that, all the way back to 1981 when I was in junior high school I was involved in the online world of BBSs. I know the Internet well. Very well. After having owned over 35,000 domain names, built sites in over 1,200 different niche markets, and success utilizing about 14 different business models for the Internet, I think you can really benefit from a few things I’d like to share with you. I recently gave a keynote speech at T.R.A.F.F.I.C., an important industry conference, and here’s what respected journalist Ron Jackson from DN Journal had to say about it: “T.R.A.F.F.I.C. has had some great keynote speakers, but let me say this - when it comes to giving the audience practical detailed advice that they can take home and immediately start making money with, Reese was the best I’ve ever heard.”