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Why Design Matters
Why Design Ma.ers If you run a business, then you will no doubt be aware that this o:en involves wearing many different 'hats'. As a business owner, you will likely be in charge of everything from hiring and firing staff, to handling the finances, to coming up with new strategies for acquiring new customers or clients. No ma.er the nature of your business, many of these things will be consistent. One 'hat' that o:en gets forgo.en by small business owners and entrepreneurs is 'graphic design' – the ability to arrange images and text in the most visually pleasing manner and to assess and edit other images to get the best result. As with finance, markeJng and managing, this is a skill that is necessary no ma&er the nature of your business. That means that even if what you're doing is not something you would typically think of as 'creaJve', you will sJll definitely benefit from having this essenJal skill. In fact, it's no exaggeraJon to say that being at least adept in graphic design can completely change your fortunes in business. This can be the difference between a company that's a huge runaway hit, versus one that flounders. As soon as you start improving your graphic design – that's when you will start to see amazing posiJve changes. Let's take a look at why graphic design might be what's missing from your business and at how it can propel your business to new heights.